Who is behind Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest? Putin ally makes big claim as Russia-France ties hit new low

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested in France over alleged offences in connection with the messaging app. Reacting to the detention of the Russian-born founder of Telegram, former advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin made a major claim against the United States.

Founder and CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov is charged with failing to prevent the dissemination of illicit material on Telegram, a platform with close to a billion users globally.(REUTERS)

The French government announced on Monday that the 39-year-old billionaire was taken into custody on August 24 in France as a result of an investigation into offenses involving child pornographic content, trafficking in illicit drugs, and forged transactions on the platform.

He is charged with failing to prevent the dissemination of illicit material on Telegram, a platform with close to a billion users globally.

Here’s what Russia’s State Duma chairman has to say

Vyacheslav Volodin, the head of Russia’s State Duma, which functions similarly to the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, held the United States responsible over his arrest, alleging that the US tried to seize control of Telegram through France.

“Telegram is one of the few and, at the same time, the largest Internet platforms over which the United States has no influence,” Volodin wrote on social media, without providing any evidence.

“On the eve of the US presidential election, it is important for President Joe Biden to take Telegram under control.”

Meanwhile, President Emmanuel Macron’s denial of any role and declared the French government had nothing to do with the Telegram founder’s detention.

According to Macron, Durov was detained on French soil as a result of an ongoing judicial inquiry. “This is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to decide,” he stated.

Durov departed Russia in 2014 after losing control of his previous firm as a result of his refusal to give security forces. Despite being a resident of Dubai, he holds dual citizenship of France and UAE. His custody was prolonged by 48 hours on Monday, informed a Paris prosecutor’s office official on Tuesday.

Also Read: Was Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s girlfriend the reason behind his arrest?

Russia Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks out on Moscow-Paris ties

According to Lavrov, the arrest of Durov has brought Moscow-Paris relations to an all-time low, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, Russia refuted the allegations made by French authorities that it is attempting to destabilise the nation ahead of the Paris Olympics in retaliation for the country’s more assertive position on the crisis in Ukraine.

Speaking top reporters on Tuesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia is prepared to offer Durov all the help he needs, stating that “the charges are very serious indeed.”

“They require a no less serious basis of evidence. Otherwise they will be a direct attempt to limit freedom of communication,” he added.

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